Wednesday, June 27, 2012


If one doesn't belong to hi profile personality, glamour, model, politician or ultra rich, he or she remain in dustbin. Media doesn't bother. Everywhere its money that make all great. Here I being a great & close friend,should bring my friends noble gesture to the world into focus. I dnt need credit, its my  sole duty to stand by her virtue that I dnt have.She deserve the best from world today.

She always remains unique by her nature, love, behaviour, decency and culture. Brought up & educated in Noonmati Oil quarters, working for the past one decade at a dark city like Guwahati, she stands alone amidst hungry crowd. She never succumbed to any pressure by the greedy. She bears high morale and social value in life. After fathers death her mother and siblings left to a place beyond Bongaigaon of lower Assam to live peacefully. But she decided to fight alone and prove what a strong girl can do for society and mankind alone.

Meet Miss Rekhamoni Roy, a GHY based branch head of a private small company. She did celebrated this year June 21st happy birthday more unique way. She never thought of celebrating with high class life, in high class hotel with too many chao/costly foods etc. She simply walked in to a slum near Zoo of Guwahati. Here Rekhamoni said-

“THIS TIME CELEBRATING MY B'DAY IN A UNIQUE WAY-21-06-2012 : A story began, when I met a 17 year old girl in my Hostel, who was 6 month pregnant at that time, raped by a culprit but she remain silent due to her innocence & fear to the so-called society and was thrown out by her previous landlord for this reason(?). Later she gave birth to a baby boy which was adopted by a family. After 2 month she married to a man, whose wife had already died leaving one 5 Yr & a 3 Month old Baby Girl & she started her marriage life quite happily with that person.

I was very surprised when I came to know that she had given birth to a baby boy co incidentally on the very particular day of my BIRHTDAY,i.e.21st JUNE, just 1 hour later I offered my b'day cake to her...that’s why she never forgot my B' every year she still ring me up at the beginning of the Month JUNE & never fail to wish me on my B'DAY.....It was memorable for me celebrating her sons' 1yr B'day together having name both of us on the cake....&....thus time passes.... after so long this year I had the privilege & honour of celebrating my B'DAY with the 7 year Kid CHANDAN.”

Wish this unique self birthday celebration design by Miss Rekhamoni strands as big example to rest of young girls/ male kingdom of society. Rekhamoni shine in this world as a new star. Crowning glory daughter of Mother India. We salute her. Millions of wishes from entire world. Jai Hind !

This is my ever greatest pleasure to write this blog in her name today.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Vitamins,Irons and how deadly of them!!

                                           Origin and History of Vitamins

Vitamin, Basics. We have all gazed at the cereal box label during breakfast when we were children and wondered what words like vitamins, folic acid and riboflavin meant. We wondered why our parents insisted that we drink plenty of milk, eat red meat, and finish our green vegetables.Of course; we now realize that the information on the cereal box and the advice of our parents were both related to vitamins. In this class, we shall explore the little understood world of vitamins and why they are necessary to human health.

Our brief journey into the history of vitamins starts almost 3500 years ago, when the ancient Egyptians discovered that night blindness could be treated with certain foods. Despite this early wisdom, much of the ancient knowledge gathered about vitamins was forgotten down through the centuries. During the Middle Ages, diseases were commonly attributed to witchcraft, bad air, angry Gods, spontaneous afflictions and so forth. It is primarily because of comparatively recent advances in the work of molecular biologists that we today have a good understanding of vitamins and other nutrients.

One of the major milestone in nutritional medicine occurred in 1747, when Scottish surgeon James Lind discovered an unknown nutrient that we today call Vitamin C. He found that scurvy, a widely reported disease characterized by spontaneous bleeding, loose teeth, aching joints and lack of energy, could be prevented by taking citrus foods. Unfortunately, his discovery was largely ignored, and over the next forty years, thousands of people died from scurvy. In the 1860s, Louis Pasteur discovered that microscopic organisms caused many diseases. His discoveries prompted further research into the curative and preventative properties of vitamins.

As recently as the early 1900s, numerous diseases such as beriberi and pellagra were still regarded as infectious diseases rather than nutritional deficiencies. From the initial discovery of vitamins in 1911 through the 1950s, nearly all physicians around the world based their studies and diagnoses on vitamin deficiencies. During the 1940s and 1950s, a number of researchers began to lay the foundation for a new era in vitamins. Much of our present-day knowledge evolved from the works of these scientists. The future of nutritional medicine holds wondrous possibilities for mankind, and as our knowledge of vitamins and other nutrients expands further, we will no doubt discover that vitamins have even greater value and utility than we presently imagine. Our view and vision of nutrition and vitamins may be limited by what we know today, but we should leave our door open for what we have not yet discovered. In fact, it is quite likely that some vitamins have yet to be discovered.

Before we delve into vitamins, we must first understand the concept of nutrients. To function, the human body must have nutrients. The nutrients known to be essential for human well being are: proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, minerals, vitamins, and water. Vitamins are a group of substances that are essential for normal metabolism, growth and development, and regulation of cell function. The word vitamin derives from the words vital and amine. Vitamins are organic (that is, carbon containing) molecules which mainly act as a catalysts in our body All naturally occurring vitamins are organic food substances that are found only in living things; that is, plants and animals. With a few notable exceptions, the human body cannot manufacture or synthesize vitamins on its own. Vitamins must be supplied in the diet or in dietary supplements.

Vitamins help to regulate the metabolism. They also help convert fat and carbohydrates into energy and assist in the formation of healthy bones and tissues. In addition, vitamins provide vitality and general well being. Vitamins can be used to effectively treat and cure nutritional based deficiencies. Although vitamins do not prevent or cure other types of invasive diseases such as cancer, afflictions related to aging, or biological infections, a diet that supplies the proper balance of essential vitamins and nutrients can help fortify the immune system and thus provide some beneficial protection against such diseases. It is likely that future discoveries will shed new light on vitamins and their important role in human disease and aging. It is important to understand that vitamins cannot replace food. In fact, vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. That is why doctors and advocates of natural nutrition stress that vitamins must be taken with meals. Vitamins work together with enzymes, co factors and other substances in the digestive tract. As I stated earlier, the body cannot create vitamin molecules itself, so these molecules must come through food that we eat. As a general rule, vitamins are destroyed by heat, exposure to air, sunlight, and oxidizing conditions. Improper storage conditions can allow mold growth. If mixed into other foods, vitamins should always be consumed within a couple of days at most. Researchers have found that the requirement of vitamins varies from one person to another, and that psychological stress can rapidly delete the body's vitamin reserves. With a few notable exceptions, it is better to have an excess of vitamins in the body than to be deficient. Vitamin supplements are readily available at health food stores, pharmacies and grocery stores, and are usually inexpensive.

Each vitamin plays a specific role in the human body. In many cases, vitamins must interact with other vitamins to function properly, and a lack or excess of any one of then can disturb the assimilation of another vitamins. Thus, taking multivitamin formulas where there is too much of one vitamin and too little of another can have less than desirable results. Poorly balanced multivitamin formulas can even cause vitamin deficiencies. The foregoing vitamins are digested and absorbed with the help of fats occurring naturally in the diet. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body for long periods of time. They are stored mostly in the fatty tissues and in the liver. Hence, supplementation are not required as frequently as with water-soluble vitamins. However, in emotionally stressful conditions, supplementation becomes important. Because fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body, it is possible to overdose by taking too much of these vitamins. Care must be taken to ensure that safe dosage levels are not exceeded.

Where do vitamins come from and how much of each vitamin is recommended? The two primary sources of vitamins for human consumption are in plants and in animal tissues. Unfortunately, the amount of vitamin that one can expect to derived from a given source can vary, depending on a variety of circumstances. For example, in plants, the vitamin yield will vary depending on:

1. How the plant is harvested and processed. Often, nutrients are leached out ofthe plant during processing and the "food" that results has little or no nutritional value.
2. The part of the plant being processed will affect vitamin levels to a significant degree.
3. The species of the plant will also affect vitamin content. Some hybrid plants that produce a higher yield per acre and can be harvested sooner are more profitable for farmers yet exhibit markedly reduced vitamin content. In Animal tissues, the primary sources of vitamins are:
1. Liver
2. Kidney
Various other meat, poultry and fish products also provide vitamin nutrients but to a lesser degree. In addition, the human body produces limited amounts of Vitamins K and B from bacteria within the intestines; and Vitamin D is formed with the help of ultraviolet radiation or sunshine on the skin.

Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA)

The best way to ensure that your body gets the daily requirement of vitamins is to eat a balanced diet, which contains a variety of foods. The daily recommended levels of vitamins are often referred as the RDA or Recommended Daily Allowances. RDA are defined as the levels of intake of nutrients that, on the basis of current scientific knowledge, the Food and Nutrition Board regard as adequate to meet the known nutritional needs of most healthy people. However, determine RDA for each vitamin is not that simple. Specific requirements may vary depending on age, gender, and a multitude of other factors such as pregnancy, stress, work and sleep habits, presence of disease or degenerative conditions, and other health and lifestyle considerations.

Vitamin overdose, side effects and toxicity

Overdosage of certain vitamins may cause some side effects. Therefore, the supplementation of vitamins should be safely dosed with the guides of a reliable medical instruction. Excessive intake of vitamin A can be harmful to bones and skin, causing weakness and brittleness.Large doses of niacin can cause liver damage, peptic ulcers, and skin rashes. Vitamin B6 toxicity can damage sensory nerves. High doses of PABA can cause blood sugar to drop. There is a high health risk associated with consuming too much vitamin D.


Vitamin: The group of organic substances that are required in the diet of humans and animals for normal growth, maintenance of life, and normal reproduction. Vitamins act as catalysts; very often either the vitamins themselves are co enzymes biotin, is a member of the B complex; it was first isolated in 1935 from dried egg yolk, and its structure was established in 1942. Biotin is usually found attached to a lysine residue in certain enzymes, where it participates in reactions involving the transfer of carboxyl (COOH)  groups;  one  such  reaction  is  essential  for  the  synthesis  of  fatty  acids. or they form integral parts of co enzymes. A substance that functions as a vitamin for one species does not necessarily function as a vitamin for another species. The vitamins differ in structure, and there is no chemical grouping common to them all.

They were first called accessory factors because in 1906 it was found by English biochemist Sir F.G. Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland,1861.1947,English biochemist, educated at Cambridge and the Univ. of London. He was professor of biochemistry at Cambridge (1914.43) Among his contributions were important studies in carbohydrate metabolism and muscular activity, including the discovery of the relationship of lactic-acid formation to muscular contraction, that most foods contain. besides carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and water.other substances necessary for health. The word vitamin was derived from the term vitamine, used by Polish-American biochemist Casimir Funk, Casimir (kãz`ĭmçr  f ngk),1884.1967, American biochemist, to describe an amine (organic base) that was essential to life (it was later found to be thiamine). In 1912 Hopkins and Funk formulated the vitamin hypothesis of deficiency disease; that is, that certain diseases are caused by a dietary lack of specific vitamins. The chemical structures of the vitamins are all known, and all of them have been synthesized; the vitamins in foods are identical to the synthetic ones. A well-balanced diet usually satisfies the minimum vitamin requirements of human beings. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of each vitamin is the standard guideline put forward by the Food and Nutrition Board, National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. It is based on the nutritional needs of an average, healthy person. Different amounts may be recommended for children, older people, lactating mothers, or people dealing with an ongoing disease process. The U.S. RDA was the federal government's interpretation of the National Research Council's RDA. Since mid-1994, the U.S. RDA has been replaced on food labels by a Percent Daily Value (the percentage of the U.S. RDA that the labeled food offers). Listings for vitamins A and C are required; others are optional.

The amount of each vitamin that should be consumed for optimal health and the wisdom of taking vitamin supplements, especially in "mega doses," is a controversial question. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 defined vitamins as dietary supplements (rather than drugs) and shifted the burden of proof of safety from the manufacturers to the Food and Drug Administration. Although vitamins were previously seen only as preventives against the various deficiency diseases, more and more studies have examined additional health benefits of vitamins. Health claims that are unsubstantiated by scientific study, however, are regarded by many health and nutrition experts as fraudulent or dangerous, and many physicians now question the need for healthy persons to take multivitamin supplements, because many foods, such as milk and bread, are fortified with vitamins.

Vitamins were originally classified according to their solubility in water or fats, and as more and more were discovered they were also classified alphabetically. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and K; the B complex and C vitamins are water soluble. A group of substances that decrease blood capillary fragility, called the vitamin P group, are no longer considered to be vitamins.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A (retinol), a fat-soluble lipids, a broad class of organic products found in living systems. Most are insoluble in water but soluble in non polar solvents. The definition excludes the mineral oils and other petroleum products obtained from fossil material. Major classes of lipids include the fatty acids. A is either derived directly from animal foods such as liver, egg yolks, cream, or butter or is derived from beta-carotene (kar`ətçn'), long-chained, unsaturated hydrocarbon found as a pigment in many higher plants, particularly carrots, sweet potatoes, and leafy vegetables. a pigment that occurs in leafy green vegetables and in yellow fruits and vegetables. Vitamin A is essential to skeletal growth, normal reproductive function, and the health of the skin and mucous membranes. One form, retinal, is a component of visual purple, a photoreceptor pigment in the retina of the eye vision, physiological sense of sight by which the form, color, size, movements, and distance of objects are perceived.

Vision in Humans
The human eye functions somewhat like a camera; that is, it receives and focuses light upon a photosensitive receiver, the retina. In addition, beta-carotene, like other carotenoids, is now recognized as an important antioxidant, substance that prevents or slows the breakdown of another substance by oxygen. Synthetic and natural antioxidants are used to slow the deterioration of gasoline and rubber, and such antioxidants as vitamin C (ascorbic acid), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are added to foods to prevent them from becoming rancid or from discoloring. A deficiency of vitamin A can cause retarded skeletal growth, night blindness, various abnormalities of the skin and linings of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, and, in children, susceptibility to serious infection. The eye disorders that result from a deficiency of vitamin A can lead to permanent blindness. Severe deficiency can cause death. As with the other fat-soluble vitamins, conditions that lead to an inability to absorb fats, such as obstruction of bile flow or excessive use of mineral oil, can produce a deficiency state. Overconsumption of vitamin A can cause irritability, painful joints, growth retardation, liver and spleen enlargement, hair loss, and birth defects. The National Research Council recommended daily dietary allowance for adults is 1,000 micrograms (retinol equivalents) for men and 800 micrograms for women.

Vitamin B Complex:- Commonly grouped as the vitamin B complex are eight water-soluble vitamins.

Thiamine: Thiamine (vitamin B1 or anti beriberi factor) is a necessary ingredient for the biosynthesis of the co enzyme thiamine pyrophosphate; in this latter form it plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism. Good sources are yeast, whole grains, lean pork, nuts, legumes, and thiamine-enriched cereal products. This vitamin is a factor in the maintenance of appetite, normal intestinal function, and in the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. A deficiency of the vitamin may lead to beriberi (bĕr`çbĕr`ç), deficiency disease occurring when the human body has insufficient amounts of thiamine (vitamin B1). The disease was first shown to result from a dietary deficiency by Dutch physician Christiaan Eijkman, Christiaan (krĭs`tyan  îk`man), 1858.1930, Dutch physician. He was head of the Pathological Institute of Batavia and later (1898.1928) professor of hygiene at the Univ. Recommended dietary allowance for adults is 1.2 to 1.4 mg for men and 1.0 to 1.1 mg for women.

Riboflavin: Riboflavin (vitamin B2 or lactoflavin) is used to synthesize two co enzymes that are associated with several of the respiratory enzymes of plants and animals (including humans) and is therefore important in biochemical oxidation and reductions. Deficiency leads to fissures in the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the tongue showing a reddish purple coloration, skin disease, and often severe irritation of the eyes. The recommended dietary allowance for adults is 1.4 to 1.7 mg for men and 1.2 to 1.3 mg for women. Riboflavin is widely distributed in plant and animal tissues; milk, organ meats, and enriched cereal products are good sources.

Niacin: The B vitamins niacin (nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (nicotinamide) are commonly known as preventives of pellagra (pəlãg`rə), deficiency disease due to a lack of niacin (nicotinic acid), one of the components of the B complex vitamins in the diet. which in 1912 was shown by American medical researcher Joseph Goldberger to result from a dietary deficiency. Niacin was first synthesized in 1867. The amino acid tryptophan (trĭp`təfãn), organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the L-stereoisomer appears in mammalian protein. Niacin is the precursor of niacin. Niacin and niacinamide function in the biochemistry of humans and other organisms as components of the two co enzymes nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP); these operate in many enzyme-catalyzed oxidation and reduction reactions. The deficiency state in humans causes skin disease, diarrhea, dementia, and ultimately death. The deficiency state in dogs analogous to pellagra in humans is called black tongue disease. Lean meats, peanuts and other legumes, and whole-grain or enriched bread and cereal products are among the best sources of niacin. The recommended daily dietary allowance for adults is 16 to 19 mg niacin equivalents (60 mg of dietary tryptophan to 1 mg of niacin) for men and 13 to 14 mg for women.

Vitamin B6 Group: Pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine make up the vitamin B6 group. They all combine with phosphorus in the body to form the co enzyme pyridoxal phosphate, which is necessary in the metabolism of amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids. The best sources of B6 vitamins are liver and other organ meats, corn, whole-grain cereal, and seeds. Deficiency can result in central nervous system disturbances (e.g., convulsions in infants) due to the role of B6 in serotonin (sĕr'ətô`nĭn), organic compound that was first recognized as a powerful vaso constrictor occurring in blood serum. It was partially purified, crystallized, and named in 1948, and its structure was deduced a year later. Gamma-aminobutyric acid synthesis. More generally the effects of deficiency include inadequate growth or weight loss and anemia due to the role of B6 in the manufacture of hemoglobin (hç`məglô'bĭn), respiratory protein found in the red blood cells (erythrocytes) of all vertebrates and some invertebrates. A hemoglobin molecule is composed of a protein group, known as globin, and four heme groups, each associated with an iron atom.

The recommended dietary allowance for adults is 2.0 to 2.2 mg for men and 2 mg for women. Additional doses are required in pregnancy and by those taking oral contraceptives or the tuberculosis drug izoniazid. Severe nerve damage has been reported from mega doses.

Pantothenic Acid: Pantothenic acid, another B vitamin, is present in perhaps all animal and plant tissues, as well as in many microorganisms. Good sources of it include liver, kidney, eggs, and dairy products. It is a component of the important substance co enzyme A, which is involved in the metabolism of many biochemical substances including fatty acids, steroids, phospholipids, heme, amino acids, and carbohydrates. The adrenal gland is an important site of pantothenic acid activity. There is no known naturally occurring deficiency state and no known toxicity to pantothenic acid.The estimated safe and adequate daily intake for adults is 4 to 7 mg.

Biotin: Biotin is a B vitamin that functions as a co enzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats,and amino acids. Although it is vitally necessary to the body, only exceedingly small quantities are needed, and since biotin is synthesized by intestinal bacteria, naturally occurring biotin deficiency disease is virtually unknown. The disease state can be produced artificially by including large quantities of raw egg white in the diet; the whites contain avidin, a biotin antagonist. Especially good sources of this widely distributed vitamin include egg yolk, kidney, liver, tomatoes, and yeast. There is no known toxicity to biotin. The estimated safe and adequate daily intake for adults is 100 to 200 micrograms.

Folic Acid : Folic acid (pteroylglutamic acid, folacin, or vitamin B9) occurs abundantly in green leafy vegetables, fruits (e.g., apples and oranges), dried beans, avocados, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ. Derivatives of this vitamin are directly involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids; for this reason cells in the body that are subject to rapid synthesis and destruction are especially sensitive to folic acid deprivation. For example, the retarded synthesis of blood cells in folic acid deficiency results in several forms of anemia, while failure to replace rapidly destroyed cells in the intestinal wall results in a disease called sprue. Inadequate amounts of folic acid in the diet of pregnant women have been strongly associated with neural tube defects (i.e., spina bifida and anencephaly) in newborns; fortification of flours, cornmeal, rice, and pasta (in a manner similar to the fortification of milk with vitamin D) has been required in the United States since 1998. Adequate folic acid also reduces the risk of premature birth. A U.S. study published in 1998 involving 80,000 women showed significant reduction of heart disease among those whose diets included adequate amounts of folate and vitamin B6. Several chemical antagonists to the action of folic acid have been developed in the hope that they might inhibit the growth of rapidly dividing cancer cells; one such compound, methotrexate, drug used in halting the growth of actively proliferating tissues. Introduced in the 1950s, it is used in the treatment of leukemia , psoriasis , and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma . By binding to an enzyme that controls the metabolism of folic acid, methotrexate interferes with synthesis of nucleic acids and therefore with tissue cell reproduction.

Folic Acid is used to treat leukemia (l kç`mçə), cancerous disorder of the blood-forming tissues (bone marrow), In children. The recommended daily dietary allowance for adults is 400 micrograms. Paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA), which is incorporated into the folic acid molecule, is sometimes listed separately as a B vitamin, although there is no evidence that it is essential to the diet of humans.

Vitamin B12: The molecular structure of vitamin B12 (cobalamin), the most complex of all known vitamins, was announced in 1955 by several scientists, including British biochemists A. R. Todd and Dorothy Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot, 1910.94, English chemist and X-ray crystallographer, b. Egypt. She received the 1964 Nobel Prize in chemistry for determining the structure of biochemical compounds (particularly of vitamin B12) used to control pernicious anemia.

In 1973 the vitamin was reported to have been synthesized by organic chemists. Vitamin
B12 and closely related cobalamins are necessary for folic acid to fulfill its role; both are involved in the synthesis of proteins. American physicians G. R. Minot, George Richards  (mî`nət), 1885.1950, American physician and pathologist, b. Boston, M.D. Harvard, 1912.
From 1928 to 1948 he was professor of medicine at Harvard and director of the Thorndike
Memorial Laboratory, Boston City Hospital. W. P. Murphy, William Parry, 1892.1987, American physician, b. Stoughton, Wis., M.D. Harvard, 1920. He taught at Harvard from 1923 and was associated with the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, in Boston, from 1922. He made special studies of diabetes and diseases of the blood and particularly of the liver treatment for pernicious anemia. in 1926 fed large amounts of liver to patients with pernicious anemia and cured them; the curative substance in this case was probably vitamin B12. However, pernicious anemia in humans is caused not by a vitamin B12 deficiency in the diet but rather the absence of a substance called the intrinsic factor, ordinarily secreted by the stomach and responsible for facilitating the absorption of B12 from the intestine. When a person's body cannot produce the intrinsic factor, the standard treatment today is to inject vitamin B12 directly into the bloodstream. Minot and Murphy's therapy worked because the liver they fed their patients contained such large quantities of B12 that sufficient amounts of the vitamin were absorbed without the assistance of the intrinsic factor. Inadequate absorption of B12 causes pernicious anemia, nervous system degeneration, and amenorrhea. The only site of cobalamin synthesis in nature appears to be in microorganisms; neither animals nor higher plants are capable of making these vitamin B12 derivatives. Nevertheless, such animal tissues as the liver, kidney, and heart of ruminants contain relatively large quantities of vitamin B12; the vitamin stored in these organs was originally produced by the bacteria in the ruminant gut. Bivalves (clams or oysters), which siphon microorganisms from the sea, are also good sources. Plants, on the other hand, are poor sources of vitamin B12. The recommended daily dietary allowance for adults is 3 micrograms.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, a water-soluble vitamin, was first isolated (from adrenal cortex, oranges, cabbage, and lemon juice) in the laboratories of American biochemists Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert von (al`bĕrt fən sĕnt'-dyor`dyĭ), 1893.1986, American biochemist, B.Hungary, M.D. Univ. of Budapest, 1917; Ph. Charles King in the years 1928.33. Szent-Gyorgyi found the Hungarian red pepper to be an exceptionally rich source; citrus fruits and tomatoes are also excellent sources. Other good sources include berries, fresh green and yellow vegetables, and white potatoes and sweet potatoes. The vitamin is readily oxidized and therefore is easily destroyed in cooking and during storage. All animals except humans, other primates, guinea pigs, and one bat and bird species are able to synthesize ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the synthesis of the body's cementing substances: bone matrix, collagen (kŏl`əjən), any of a group of proteins found in skin, ligaments, tendons, bone and cartilage, and other connective tissue Cells called fibroblasts form the various fibers in connective tissue in the body. Dentin and cartilage. It is an antioxidant and is necessary to several metabolic processes. Deficiency of vitamin C results in scurvy, deficiency disorder resulting from a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the diet. Scurvy does not occur in most animals because they can synthesize their own vitamin C, but humans, other primates, guinea pigs, and a few other species lack an enzyme necessary for such synthesis and must obtain vitamin C through their diet. The symptoms of which are largely related to inadequate collagen synthesis and defective formation of inter cellular materials. Ascorbic acid is metabolized slowly in humans, and symptoms of scurvy are usually not seen for three or four months in the absence of any dietary vitamin C. The use of mega doses of ascorbic acid to prevent common colds, stress, mental illness, cancer, and heart disease is a continuing subject of research. The recommended daily allowance for adults is 60 mg.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is a name given to two fat-soluble compounds; calciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). They are now known to be hormones, but continue to be grouped with vitamins because of historical misclassification. Vitamin D3 plays an essential role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body and prevents rickets or rachitis (rəkî`tĭs), bone disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium. Essential in regulating in children. A plentiful supply of 7-dehydrocholesterol, the precursor of vitamin D3, exists in human skin and needs only to be activated by a moderate amount of ultraviolet light (less than a half hour of sunlight) to become fully potent. Rickets is usually caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight rather than a dietary deficiency, although dietary deficiencies can result from mal absorption in the small intestine caused by conditions such as sprue or colitis. Rickets can be prevented and its course halted by the intake of vitamin D2 (found in irradiated yeast and used in some commercial preparations of the vitamin) or vitamin D3 (found in fish liver oils and in fortified milk). Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children include bowlegs, knock knees, and more severe (often crippling) deformations of the bones. In adults deficiency results in osteomalacia, characterized by a softening of the bones. Excessive vitamin D consumption can result in toxicity. Symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite, kidney damage, and deposits of insoluble calcium salts in certain tissues. The recommended daily dietary allowance for cholecalciferol is 5 to 10 micrograms (200 to 400 IU) depending upon age and the availability of sunlight. Fortified cow's milk supplies 400 IU per quart (422 IU per liter).

Vitamin E: Vitamin E occurs in at least eight molecular forms (tocopherols or tocotrienols); in humans the most biologically active form has generally been considered to be alpha-tocopherol, which is also the most common. All forms exist as light yellow, viscous oils. The best sources are vegetable oils. Other sources include green leafy vegetables, wheat germ, some nuts, and eggs. Vitamin E is necessary for the maintenance of cell membranes. It is essential to normal reproduction in some animals, but there is no evidence that it plays a role in human reproduction. It is a potent antioxidant; numerous studies have pointed to a protective effect against arterial plaque buildup and cancer. It is helpful in the relief of intermittent claudication (calf pain) and in preventing problems peculiar to premature infants. In large doses, it has an anticoagulant effect. The recommended daily dietary allowance for adults is 10 mg (tocopherol equivalents) for men and 8 mg for women, but nutritionists and physicians sometimes recommend higher doses for disease prevention.

Vitamin K: Vitamin K consists of substances that are essential for the clotting of blood. It was identified in 1934 by Danish biochemist Henrik Dam, Henrik (hãn`rçk  dam), 1895.1976, Danish biochemist. He identified vitamin K in 1934 and later investigated the role of vitamin E in nutrition. Two types of K vitamins have been isolated: K1, an oil purified from alfalfa concentrates, and K2, synthesized by the normal intestinal bacteria. Both can be derived from the synthetic compound menadione (sometimes called vitamin K3), a yellow crystalline solid that is as potent in its ability to promote blood clotting, process by which the blood coagulates to form solid masses, or clots. In minor injuries, small oval bodies called platelets, or thrombocytes, tend to collect and form plugs in blood vessel openings. To control bleeding from vessels larger than capillaries a clot must form at the point of injury. As the natural vitamins. The best sources are leafy green vegetables, such as cabbage and spinach, and intestinal bacteria (which produce most of the body's supply of vitamin K). Vitamin K is required for the synthesis in the liver of several blood clotting factors, including prothrombin. Coumarin derivatives, used in medicine to prevent blood coagulation in certain cases, act by antagonizing the action of vitamin K. In the deficiency state an abnormal length of time is needed for the blood to clot, and there may be hemorrhaging in various tissues. Deficiency occurs in hemorrhagic disease of the newborn infant, in liver damage, and in cases where the vitamin is not absorbed properly by the intestine. It can also occur in coumarin therapy or when normal intestinal bacteria are destroyed by extended antibiotic therapy. Vitamin K does not treat hemophilia. Deficiency is rarely of dietary origin. The estimated safe and adequate intake for adults is 70 to 140 micrograms.


Do we need iron for health? :: Iron is essential to proper nutrition. The metal is important in many key functions in the human body from the transport of oxygen in the blood to helpful enzymes in the immune system that help fight infection. In fact, it was the first trace element identified as a necessary part of the human diet early in the seventeenth century. The first attempts at producing dietary iron supplements involved dissolving iron filings in wine as a treatment for a condition known as chlorosis (an iron deficiency causing a greenish-yellow discoloration of the skin). Today iron supplements take the form of vitamin tablets that we take orally. A lack of iron in the diet can have serious consequences. Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common forms of malnutrition in the world today. This disease is characterized by a low concentration of red blood cells or low levels of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells where 70 percent of the body’s iron is stored. When the body recognizes that there is not enough stored iron for normal function, it cuts down on the production of hemoglobin leaving the blood with a lower oxygen-carrying capacity. This very slowly suffocates tissues. Over time, a person with iron deficiency anemia might develop symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, weakness, irritability, pallor, rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath. Iron deficiency anemia has been identified in a large percentage of the world’s population with pregnant women, children, and teens at greatest risk for developing the disease.

Women of childbearing age are at particular risk since they regularly lose iron through blood discharged in menstruation. Still another form of iron deficiency is sickle-cell anemia, a notorious genetic disorder. This disease is genetically recessive, meaning that one must have inherited a defective copy of the gene from both parents to develop the disorder. This disease is caused by an abnormality in the way hemoglobin proteins form. Instead of the saucer-like shape of normal red blood cells, these cells are crescent- or sickle-shaped. Sickle-shaped red blood cells are unable to carry oxygen as well as normal cells, leading to a condition that causes many of the symptoms of acquired iron deficiency anemia. However, this disease carries the added risk of blood clots since the abnormally shaped cells are more likely to stick to each other and the walls of the blood vessels. Unfortunately, simply increasing the dietary iron intake will not help individuals with this disease. There is currently no cure, but there is hope that through persistent research, a cure can be found. Currently, people with sickle-cell disease can be treated with a host of drugs that alleviate symptoms and prevent opportunistic infections that arise as a result of a weakened immune system. A 1999 report in the Journal of the American Medical
Association (JAMA) described in vitro fertilization techniques can prevent the disease from
being handed down to offspring.

Can too much iron harm living things? :: While iron is essential for health, too much iron can be harmful even deadly. As with iron deficiencies, there are two conditions that overload the body with iron, one genetic and one acquired. Both conditions relate to iron in the bloodstream. This time, however, the ill effects have nothing to with the amount of oxygen reaching organ tissues. Iron overload exerts its toxic effects through the amount of iron deposited in the liver, heart, pancreas, joints, and pituitary gland. Hemochromatosis is a recessive genetic disorder affecting an estimated one out of every two hundred individuals of Caucasian descent. One person in ten carries a single defective gene, and about 1 in 300 carries two copies (they are said to be homozygous for the gene). The proportion of these people who have disease symptoms is not clear. Hemochromotosis makes the body prone to absorbing large amounts of iron from the diet, leading to accumulation of iron deposits in their organs. This iron excess can lead to darkening of the skin, liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, enlargement of the heart, congestive heart failure, infertility, impotence, joint pains and diabetes. In most cases, the disease is identified because of symptoms of fatigue, lethargy, arthritis or impotence. Blood tests and a liver biopsy with quantitative iron testing are accepted as the best means of confirming the disease. Since the condition is caused by an excess of iron in the blood, this is one of the few diseases for which the medieval treatment of draining blood is the most effective treatment.

This is done through a medical procedure called therapeutic phlebotomy. Occasionally, people acquire iron overload. This can result from multiple blood transfusions, for example as treatment for inherited blood disorders such as thalassemias. Iron is common in tobacco products, so heavy smokers are at elevated risk for acquiring iron overload. Welders can also inhale excessive amounts of iron, though the problem remains confined to the lung. Those who consume large quantities of red meat and use tobacco products are at increased risk of developing the condition. An excess of vitamin C in the diet is also known to promote the absorption of dietary iron. Acquired iron overload in these cases is generally mild, and can be treated by simply avoiding or reducing the main sources of iron ingestion. One of the most serious forms of iron overload is acute iron poisoning. While iron-fortified vitamin tablets may be a convenient way to round out a diet, they can be harmful to small children and infants if consumed in high amounts. Acute iron poisoning resulting from overdoses on iron-fortified vitamin tablets and iron-containing drugs is the leading cause of poisoning death of children under the age of six in the United States, according to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since 1986, over 110,000 incidents of iron poisoning resulting from accidental ingestion of iron tablets by children under the age of six have been reported to poison control centers. Of those cases, 35 resulted in death. In 1994, the FDA released guidelines to help curb the tide of iron poisoning cases. New labels must be stamped on iron-containing drugs and dietary supplements. The message to consumers reads: "WARNING: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under six. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately." The FDA has also instituted an education campaign to inform parents about the dangers of iron poisoning in children.

Can iron harm the environment?
Iron overdoses can be severe in human beings, especially children, but its effects within ecosystems can be far more widespread and circuitous. As with humans, iron is essential to most living organisms. Animals, plants, and even bacteria require the metal for proper metabolism. However, when human activities alter the geochemistry within an ecosystem and allow for chemical interactions with iron that would not normally occur in nature, iron quickly becomes an accomplice in many insidious environmental problems. Take the mining industry, for example, and a problem known as acid mine drainage (AMD). When companies mine metals such as copper, gold, lead, uranium, and zinc, they often seek metal deposits near the earths crust and dig what are known as open pit mines. Metal ores that have been sheltered from the earth’s weather for millions of years may suddenly be exposed to air and rain water. This new mixture of air, water, and heavy metal compounds makes for a series of new and environmentally harmful chemical reactions collectively known as AMD. Sulfur and iron are the key components that allow the reactions to proceed. Heavy metal compounds containing sulfur can dissolve in the lightly acidic rain water, releasing sulfur into the rain water runoff. One common waste mineral in the mining industry known as pyrite, iron disulfide (FeS2), or fool’s gold reacts with the air and water to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4). This makes for extremely acidic water conditions that can lower the pH of streams and rivers to levels that are hazardous to aquatic life. Iron does not simply come along for the ride in the AMD process. Iron can be a useful tracer for AMD as well as an environmental menace itself. Bright orange water and rocks in a mine’s effluent stream are a tell-tale sign of AMD. Ferric hydroxide (Fe(OH)3) or .yellow-boy.  is a bright orange, rusty-colored compound that forms during the series of reactions that lead to AMD runoff. When yellow-boy begins to cloud the water near a mine, it is a sign that sulfuric acid is also present. Not only does .yellow-boy. clearly mark the AMD process, but it can harm aquatic life directly when  if precipitates out of runoff. As mining runoff moves downstream, chemical reactions in the stream can act to buffer or neutralize the effluent. However, as the pH of the water returns to neutral levels, yellow-boy becomes less soluble and precipitates out of the mixture in bright orange, rusty-colored clouds. The un dissolved particles can harm the aquatic ecosystem by blocking light and blanketing stream beds, which obscures food sources for bottom dwellers. AMD is a severe environmental and economic problem in the United States. It is estimated that AMD in combination with other toxins from abandoned mines in the U.S. have polluted 180,000 acres of reservoirs and lakes as well as 12,000 miles of streams and rivers. The cost to taxpayers of cleaning up this pollution is estimated to be between $32 and $72 billion. Iron can damage aquatic communities in more subtle ways. Aquatic organisms such as algae and bacteria can thrive in iron-rich environments, such as effluent from iron ore mining plants. When this mineral-rich effluent is pumped into an established and stable aquatic ecosystem, growth of algae and iron-metabolizing bacteria is stimulated. Such was the case in 1956 when the Reserve Mining Company opened shop on Lake Superior’s Silver Bay in Minnesota. The plant at Silver Bay was extracting taconite ore for steel production. The taconite effluent and tailings. The mineral silt that results from ore processing were procedurally pumped through a pipe into Lake Superior. The effluent contained large amounts of iron and other more harmful metals.